Hi Floris — I think I broadly agree with you, and therefore I wonder if I haven’t made myself as clear as I’d like.
To be honest I didn’t think I’d proposed an ‘approach’ as such — when writing the piece I was acutely aware that I really don’t know what are the ‘right’ actions to take, nor that I’m the right person to say. My central point is simply that being worried and stressed is unhelpful. If anything it damages the health of individuals, communities and society, and plays into the hands of divisive megacorps and governments that would rather pay lip service with knee jerk, piecemeal responses.
From this perspective, I guess I am proposing that on one level becoming more ‘regenerative’ in the way we choose to live and consume, together, is an active step towards a possible future. The only viable one we have, as far as I can tell/feel.
But what I am not saying, is that this precludes radical action to force change at the level where it needs to happen (coporate/government).
So maybe the question I’m asking (myself?) is what does this look like? How do we ‘force change’ without losing our root and our heart?
Maybe you have some ideas about this already? I’d love to explore it with you, particularly as we’ll both be at Summercamp and have the chance to do something we might not otherwise have considered.
With love